Sunday, December 16, 2012

So what type of Blogger are you really? :)

Well when I had posted my 'Come-Back' post at the beginning of this year, it was with a new year resolution that I would write atleast one post a month. But as all Resolutions go, this too didnt live too long. But if you are one of those, who read every post I write, you would know I have surely written a lil more than what I wrote the year before this.

So today, 16th December 2012, with just about half a month left for this year to get over, I thought "Yaar, December ka blog post toh banta hi hai" And like a true Marketing student, I decided to do some RESEARCH (oh yeah, you read it right.. I said Research) done on what is currently trending in the blog-world. This brought me across a lot many types of blogs and should I say "Types of Bloggers" But seriously no truely useful information or insights!! you wanna know why?... Then Continue reading!!

Disclaimer: All types of Bloggers described in this blogpost are purely (nah.. actually only partially) fictitious and bear no/some/a lot of resemblence to the blogger community as a whole. ;)

Well, the first and the most common types of Bloggers that I came across was Travel bloggers.

These are the guys who somehow manage to get the maximum and the longest chutti off work!! No, seriously, dont you think so? Just imagine if you had to travel to the number of places these people actually have and have all the time in the world not only to click photos of the place, but also read and learn and remember about the history/geography/ political history etc of the place and then, finally to reproduce the same in your blogs... I mean , Phew... u guys are the super-talented dudes and dudettes, man!! ;)

On a more serious note, these guys really are a great help especially when you are planning a vacation. starting from which location to what hotel to which places to visit and why... their blog would tell you all. There are some who would go a step further to tell you how much money to carry ( this is usually with a disclaimer that says 'Assuming you dont want to shop too much' ). My question to these free-advisors is " So, how much shopping do you really think is 'TOO MUCH'??" :P

But while they answer most of your query on the travel, there is this one query which I think every travel blogger should check and blog about:

So from travel, I decided to move to my second favorite topic 'Food".. but rather than finding a lot many food critics, I came across these 'Recipe Bloggers'

Of course, you guessed it right. kitchen is the laboratory for these bloggers and thats exactly, where they perform their culinary experiments. The pictures here look awesomely yummy and seriously can make even a not-so-pro-kitchen person to try one's hand at atleast one recipe.

And especially when you are one of those 'getting-into-the-kitchen-for-the-first-time-to-cook' category, these bloggers are like angelic saviors!!  But then again, there are somethings that they can or rather would surely not tell you:

like that yummy looking food that you see in the picture was actually the outcome of how many burnt food, overly-baked, raw food served incidents ;).. Lol, yeah, who really talks of those disasters :D :D

So maybe here I shall take that extra step forward and give u a life-saving option for such disasters. Dont forget to thank me for it when you actually use it :D :D

Your Life-saving option in times of culinary disasters :)

With travel and food covering most of my mind space, Google then brought me to large group of bloggers from a totally different space!! Its called the Blogoshpere!... Eh, What do you mean by you dont know blogospere?? This is where Blogospere lies...
well, the bloggers here are insanely crazy!! In simpler words we call them "Geeks"... So, what do these Geek Bloggers do?

They first wait for the tech industry spokesperson/experts to leak some information about an upcoming gadget/code/ product/ software etc. They read all about it from where-ever possible and then blog about the same thing giving back reference to the experts blog/article. Thereby, just adding to the list of one more post on the net about the product!!

These guys are the best to look upto for views when you are planning an new phone/laptop/music system etc

But the story, really doesnt end here. the language that they use here is primarily english... but usually wont sound like that to a common manager person like you or me. Their langauge is understood only by their fellow blogosphere companions ;)... maybe thats why they have created a new space of their own!

I feel it would be worth thinking, how would their parents have communicated with them? My read... maybe like this:

or even better....
When you speak of Geeks... It just becomes equally important not to forget the "dumb blonde" category. These bloggers I would rather name them as "Personal diary Bloggers"
They write about anything and everything that happens in their life.. a new pet, a new dress, PINK shoes, or the breaking of a heel at a social-do blah blah blah...blah blah or maybe even this???

All those different types of blogs and bloggers finally brought me down to myself... So what type of a Blogger am I? hmmm... a question that I myself couldnt answer but guess, this cartoon very aptly did :D :D
Waiting for you guys to give a name to my 'type' :) :)