I have got to admit here that I am a big fan of Dr.Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory series. And why not, it takes sheer talent to talk geeky all the time. :) and not only is this respect there for geeks but also for the subject matter that makes these ppl the geek they are... Physics, statistics and all that mathematics applied in real life. As a student, my personal favorite has been the concept called 'CONSTRAINTS'.
Everytime you feel you can do or have or get everything under the sun, they(constraints) just pop up from no-where. It is as if your brain just pulls these out of some corner and excitedly shouts 'SURPRISE!!!' at you. And this would especially happen after a nice round of wishfull thinking and then there is this implicit challenge thrown at you 'Now show me what you've REALLY got'. It doesnt generally end up there. They have this incorrigible habit of coming forth in installments. So, when you are done with applying round 1 constraints to your wishful thinking, your list (of thoughts emerged during that wishful thinking) thus reduced by some amount, the next surprise package of Round 2 constraints is already in front of you.
They are like those evils you cant live without.
Dont believe me?!! When was the last time you went shopping and left behind an awesome handbag/dress looking at the pricetag? When was the last time you put forth your sales estimate and then the production guy walked in and said "dude, this is not possible, we dont have that capacity". When was the last time you wished you had just a little more time to complete that project report. They are there everywhere in the form of capacity, time, money, manpower etc. EVERYWHERE!!!
But then they are not so bad either. Imagine a world without constraints!! You could do all that you wanted, all that you asked for!! You would have infinite options for everything. INFINITE OPTIONS??!! Now, Thats a scary thought. That little processor we have beneath our skull called the brain would have so much more work to do if it had to weigh down infinite options to make a decision.
Currently with the constraints our options are just reduced down, making the process of decision-making so much easier Sometimes, the constraints are so strong that you are just left to say 'Okay, so do I have a choice? Then that's it, its decided'.Life is made so simple with fewer options, hence fewer confusions. :) And most of the times, this is all thanks to that thing called 'CONSTRAINTS'
So the next time you crib about them, think again!! Probably they are there just to make your life simpler :D :D